Gym Quote


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Please complete the following information and submit this form to obtain an insurance quotation. All information you provide must be correct, true, and accurate as incorrect or misleading information may alter our quote and jeopardise cover if you proceed with a policy.
Please refer to the Financial Services Guide, Privacy Statement and Duty of Disclosure before completing this form.


Get a Quote on Liability


Do you operate your own Gym/Facility?
Do you require Management Liability?

Martial Arts / Boxing / MMA

Will all members be required to sign a disclaimer at each membership renewal?
Will all casuals be required to sign a disclaimer at each visit?
Will all the signed disclaimers be safely stored in date order and kept for at least 6 years?
Are all goods sold or supplied by you and any premises, furnishings, fittings, appliances and plant used by you in a sound condition and comply with all statutory obligations and by-laws or regulations imposed by any public authority for the safety of persons or property?
Is all your fitness equipment (including components thereof) inspected, serviced and upgraded as per the manufacturers / distributors requirements?
Are all your gym balls (or swiss / fit balls) checked daily to ensure that they are inflated to the correct level and that they are only in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications?
Do you conduct any activities outside the studio premises?
Are there any child minding facilities located inside the studio for which you are responsible?
In the last 10 years, has any application or proposal form for similar insurance made by you been declined, cancellation or had renewal refused or had special terms and / or excesses applied?
In the last 10 years, have you been charged with or summoned for; arson, drugs, dishonesty or any kind, malicious damage, theft or injury to another person?
In the last 5 years, have any claims for professional negligence or public liability been made against you or any present or former principle, partner or director?
Are you, or any principle, partner or director aware of any circumstances that may give rise to a claim?
Get a quote on Gym Business

Gym Business

* Please provide the address where you operate your business, not your residential address
Select your construction
Which is your security method? (can use multiple options)
Do your gym has sauna?
Is it infrared sauna?
Is the premises currently going through a fit out process?
Do you required Business Interruption?
Do you required Theft Cover?
Do you required Money Cover?
Do you required Glass Cover?
Has the insured or any director or partner experienced any claims in the last 5 years?
Does the Insured use a washing machine or dryer to clean their own clothes, towels on the premises?
Has the insured or any director or partner in the past 5 years ever had any previous insurer decline a proposal, refuse to renew a policy or impose special terms or conditions?