Online Coaching Insurance provides protection for coaches who conduct sessions online, covering risks like client injuries that may occur due to limited ability to monitor form or technique remotely.
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Online Coaching Insurance provides protection for coaches who conduct sessions online, covering risks like client injuries that may occur due to limited ability to monitor form or technique remotely. This insurance helps cover legal costs and compensation if a client sues for injuries sustained during a session.
Indoor Centre Insurance cover may include a variety of different attractions including ball pits, slides, climbing structures, video games and even indoor games such as laser tag, batting cages, bumper cars or bowling…
Tour and Leisure Insurance cover reimbursement for the loss, theft, or damage of your luggage and personal belongings during your trip. Coverage for essential items and expenses in case of baggage delay, ensuring you can continue your journey without major disruptions.
Bouldering Insurance cover you have financial protection against medical expenses in case you suffer a serious injury while climbing.