Is this your first time to buy a Fitness Boot Camp Insurance policy in Australia? If yes, have you finally checked what type of protection coverage your licensed broker discussed with you during the personal consultation? I’m going to share below some of the common areas of protection that your Fitness Boot Camp Insurance policy may cover:

  • Professional indemnity

One of the common types of protection coverage that you will see in a proposed Fitness Boot Camp insurance policy is the professional indemnity coverage. Here, the protection covers your career as a Fitness Boot Camp instructor when giving advice, instruction or recommendation to any of your students. In the event someone claims injury due to your advice during a fitness routine workout, your professional indemnity coverage will extend protection against future claims that may lead to a legal court proceeding.

  • Public liability

Public liability coverage is another type of protection you can include with your Fitness Boot Camp Insurance. This protection covers anything filed against you due to a physical injury that a student incurred while under your direct supervision.

  • Personal injury

Your work as a Fitness Boot Camp instructor doesn’t exclude you from encountering accidents while doing your job. In fact, you are also vulnerable to all types of accidents that could lead to personal injury. If you experience a personal injury while holding your Fitness Boot Camp training workshop, your Fitness Boot Camp insurance will answer any claim that will affect your earnings such as taking leave from work due to a spinal injury due to a bad fall.

  • Property

As a Fitness Boot Camp Instructor offering various boot camp workshops, I’m sure you have invested in some expensive boot camp training devices and equipment. In the event property damaged occurred due to a severe flooding, your Fitness Boot Camp insurance Australia can also cover this kind of claim.

How to make a wise choice on your scope of protection coverage

There are many factors to be considered before making a final choice about the type of protection coverage you will include with your Fitness Boot Camp Insurance in Australia and among them are:

  • Available funds to buy the perfect insurance policy

  • Level of risk you are exposed to on a daily basis as a Fitness Boot Camp instructor

  • Presence of a knowledgeable licensed insurance broker who can guide you

Are you now convinced that buying Fitness Boot Camp Insurance is essential to reach the peak of success as a Fitness Boot Camp Instructor? If you are still feeling apprehensive over what type of protection coverage to include on your insurance policy, don’t hesitate to contact a credible licensed insurance broker and confide your concerns. A licensed broker’s role is to provide assistance and guidance to anyone wishing to buy an insurance policy. Remember, it’s crucial that you have enough information about a prospective insurance company and the available insurance products awaiting your selection.

The team of insurance brokers at Gym Insurance HQ are affiliated with 170+ insurers, with that we are able to get competitive quotes and also tailor insurance packages that meet your personal needs. Give our team a call to find out more on 1300 815 344 or go online and request a quote and our team will call you back.

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